heartland medical direction
Provide high-quality training and medical direction for Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, and Communication Personnel. As first responders, we are often called upon to provide medical care in austere environments. Regardless of where we are called, we strive to provide Medicina Bona - Locis Malis. Good Medicine in Bad Places.
HLMD Vision
Create safer communities by equipping first responders with the knowledge, confidence, and medical oversight needed to provide citizens and visitors with competent care.
Cary Michael
What a great service they provide to the volunteer departments! Ultimately helping us serve our citizens in a more knowledgeable and professional way!
Woodward County EMS
You guys were amazing. Thank you for everything you do for us. We've never had this before so we're ecstatic and thankful for all of you.
Jerry Cavichi
Doctor Worden stays very active with all of our area agencies that he serves. The training and direct, on scene, oversight he provides is second to none. This oversight ensures we are fulfilling our mission to constantly provide the best in care to our citizens.